Cornell Note Taking Directions
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Jane Schaffer Writing
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Close Reading
Below is a PDF file containing the close read directions for content areas except for math. The Math close read instructions are listed below.
Pearson System Overview Video
Below are the directions for how to get the best results while doing Pearson Math online.
Math Close Reading Strategy
Below is the text copy for the close reading strategy for mathematics.
Write and Maintain Your Math Journal
Everyday you should answer the following six questions:
Date: 9/28
What are you learning today ?
Why am I learning this ?
How are you going to learn it ?
How will you know that you got it?
We’re can you get help if you don’t get it?
What evidence do you have that you learned something today ?
Here are some non-examples of completing a math journal entry on a daily basis:
Example #1 -Non-Example
Use models to subtract integers
Key terms:
Subtraction:the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another
Integers:whole numbers
Key concepts:
Arithmetic: algebra:
2-5=2+(-5)=3 a-b=a+(-b)
2-(-5)=2+5=7 a-(-b)=a+b
Key terms:associative property of multiplication states that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped
identity property states that any time you multiply a number by 1, the result, or product, is that original number
inequality :the relation between two expressions that are not equal, employing a sign such as ≠ “not equal to,” > “greater than,” or < “less than.”.
solution of the inequality:a number which when substituted for the variable makes the inequality a true statement.
This copy and paste does not help and support your learning of mathematics because it lacks a connection to "Why"
Example #2 - Non-Example
Rules Of Divisibility
2 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
3 Add my digits 1053
4 My last 2 digits
13, 456, 234, 012
5 0, 5
6 if 2 and 3 so can I.
9 Add my digits
10 0
Example #3 - A Good Example
Date: 9/26/17
Uce prime factoring to find geometric means.
Example#2 - A Great Example
Date: 4-9-18
What are you learning today? Today I am learning about converting recursive and explicit forms of geometric sequences.
Why am I learning this? I am learning this so I can better understand this subject.
How are you going to learn it?I am going to learn it by watching the videos given.
How will you know that you got it? I will know that I got it if I can do a problem on my own.
Where can you go if you don't get it? I can go to google, someone around me, or the teacher.
What evidence do you have that you got it? My evidence is that I got a sign off.
Date: 9/28
What are you learning today ?
Why am I learning this ?
How are you going to learn it ?
How will you know that you got it?
We’re can you get help if you don’t get it?
What evidence do you have that you learned something today ?
Here are some non-examples of completing a math journal entry on a daily basis:
Example #1 -Non-Example
Use models to subtract integers
Key terms:
Subtraction:the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another
Integers:whole numbers
Key concepts:
Arithmetic: algebra:
2-5=2+(-5)=3 a-b=a+(-b)
2-(-5)=2+5=7 a-(-b)=a+b
Key terms:associative property of multiplication states that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped
identity property states that any time you multiply a number by 1, the result, or product, is that original number
inequality :the relation between two expressions that are not equal, employing a sign such as ≠ “not equal to,” > “greater than,” or < “less than.”.
solution of the inequality:a number which when substituted for the variable makes the inequality a true statement.
This copy and paste does not help and support your learning of mathematics because it lacks a connection to "Why"
Example #2 - Non-Example
Rules Of Divisibility
2 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
3 Add my digits 1053
4 My last 2 digits
13, 456, 234, 012
5 0, 5
6 if 2 and 3 so can I.
9 Add my digits
10 0
Example #3 - A Good Example
Date: 9/26/17
- What are you learning today?
Uce prime factoring to find geometric means.
- Why are you learning it?
- How are you going to learn it?
- How will you know that you got it?
- Where can you get help if you don’t get it?
- What evidence do you do have that you learned something today?
Example#2 - A Great Example
Date: 4-9-18
What are you learning today? Today I am learning about converting recursive and explicit forms of geometric sequences.
Why am I learning this? I am learning this so I can better understand this subject.
How are you going to learn it?I am going to learn it by watching the videos given.
How will you know that you got it? I will know that I got it if I can do a problem on my own.
Where can you go if you don't get it? I can go to google, someone around me, or the teacher.
What evidence do you have that you got it? My evidence is that I got a sign off.